Prayer & Service

Eucharistic Adoration is simply a heart-to-heart conversation with the God of the universe. In the beautiful Adoration Chapel on Holy Family’s campus, the doors are open 11AM-10PM each day (11AM-6PM Sundays) for silent, vocal and contemplative prayer. In addition to regular hours, we also have all night adoration every Friday night. When we spend what time we can in Adoration - we continue our spiritual journey of conversion, which better equips us to meet the needs of those whom we encounter.

A Seven Sister: One Holy Hour, One Priest, Each Day, Each Week, One Heart of Prayer
The Seven Sisters Apostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop - a “holy wasting” (ef. Mt. 26:10) or lavishing of prayer for his deeper conformity to Christ. Our ministry, in partnership with Saint John's to pray for Fr. George!
For more information, contact Rachel Ruffing :
call or text (724) 454-3624 OR email
The Prayer Shawl Ministry primarily
reaches out to those who are ill by
presenting them with a handmade
prayer shawl. Those who make the
shawls pray for the person who will
receive it as they are making it.
The members of the ministry continue to pray for the recipient every day thereafter. Fr George blesses the shawls prior to delivery also.
We have teams who will deliver the shawls if the recipient lives nearby or we give them to the person who requests the shawl for delivery. We have also made shawls for our First Communicants, Confirmandis, babies, ordinations, for our priests, caregivers etc. The shawls have proven to give comfort especially to those who are alone. We suggest they wrap the shawls around them praying for comfort, joy, healing and peace.

If you knit or crochet we would love to have you join us in this most rewarding ministry. We are always looking for new members, so if you knit and/or crochet or would like to learn to do either we would be glad to teach you.
Please contact Barb Madl at
or 724-331-2697.
If you know someone who would appreciate receiving a shawl,
please contact Barb Madl at or 724-331-2697.
Homebound Ministry is designed to serve those members of our parish community who, due to physical limitations, are unable to attend church services regularly. Our Ministers visit and take Holy Communion to parishioners in care centers, nursing homes, private homes, apartments, and other living accommodations within the Holy Family parish boundary. Ministers can volunteer to make one visit per week on a day of their choosing. We provide training prior to their first homebound visit! It is a great privilege to come alongside and encourage our homebound members. Please prayerfully consider taking this opportunity to serve.
Grieving is the natural response to a loss that each loved one of the deceased has to journey through. At Holy Family, that is never a journey you need to make alone. The Bereavement Ministry lovingly provides support to those experiencing loss and making the difficult steps toward saying goodbye and laying a loved one to rest. With kind words, prayer, and concrete presence if invited, this ministry takes each step with the grieving to be the reminder that we, as members of the universal Church, are never alone.

We are all called to be holy as single people, married couples, religious brothers or sisters, or ordained deacons and priests! Vocation Ministry invites all parishioners to pray for all vocations, but especially for young men and women who are considering religious life. Our work starts with prayer, focuses on educating all parishioners in the blessings and joy of life dedicated to Christ, and encourages and invites young men and women to consider religious life.
The Funeral Choir (Resurrection Choir) could alwasy use more members. If you have free daytime hours and like to sing this may be a good ministry for you. There is no formal practice. Members of the Resurrection Choir are emailed or called when there is a funeral. Individuals determine which funerals they can attend according to their daily schedules. By participating in the Resurrection Choir, you are preforming a Corporal Work of Mercy by assisting in the sacred act of burying the dead in a respectful way. If you would like to use your singing talents in this special ministry, contact Bob Mason at or call the Parish Office at (724) 539-9751