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The Business of Being a Servant of God

Writer's picture: Michael OrangeMichael Orange

At my ordination, the Bishop placed the Book of the Gospels into my hands and said, “Receive the Gospel of Christ, whose herald you now are: Believe what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.” A Deacon is called upon to proclaim the Gospel of Christ to everyone, but especially to the poor and marginalized. In essence, the deacon is in service to all mirroring what Christ had done.

Service is always on the forefront of my mind and it is deeply rooted in everything I try to do. As a deacon, I am an observer of the Holy Spirit’s gathering of people through the stories that are shared with me. Being a deacon a sacred order, for I am fortunate to witness the private challenges and triumphs that God is working in other people.

It is nice to chat with and hear about people’s lives. A discussion about a sister that has cancer and how it affects them, a story of excitement concerning a daughter’s upcoming baptism, or an expression of gratitude for being given the chance to serve are small glimpses into a shared experience. Stories like these help me realize the importance of service and community in building our church together. I love my ministry! But enough about me. What I really wanted to drive home is the absolute gift we have in being able to serve God.

There are countless ways to serve. One way, is by serving in your church community. Sometimes, our first response when we hear that someone needs help, is to bring them food. There are many other ways to serve. Each of us have been given specific talents from the Lord. Examine your hearts and see what gifts you have. What are you good at? How could you help those around you? Do you enjoy making cards? You could make a set of cards for someone who's had a death in their family or are struggling through a time of sickness. Are you good with children? Offer to watch someone's child(ren) in a time of need. Are you good with your hands? Computers? Gardening? Building? Organizing?

Many times, when we hear a call for help in church, we immediately think it is only for a super-involved parishioner to do. But really - it may be as simple as having and sharing one of the gifts listed above. Let us pray to serve God in the simple things. Let’s get down to the business of loving thy neighbor!

God Bless,

Deacon Mike


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