A good thing to ponder. When Jesus began His ministry, he called disciples to himself – “follow me” or “come after me” He said to them. They followed and their lives were changed forever. Along the way they began to know the God who created them, who loves them and who forgives them. On their part, they had to put their faith in Jesus; they had to trust Him. And they did. Do we have that deep rust?
I was reading an article by Msgr. Joseph Prior of Our Lady of Grace Parish, Penndel PA and he said God speaks to us today while we are on this Lenten journey. The reading from the second week of Lent recalls God’s invitation to Abram to follow Him. God promises great things for Abram is he will only trust. When we reflect on God’s invitation to Abram, we realize He, God, is asking for a great leap of faith. Abram is to leave everything, his land, his home, his community and travel to an unknown land, of unknown people and language. The call for trust is a deep one. In this sense, it is the same as the call Jesus makes to Peter, Andrew, James and John, His first disciples when he invites them to follow him. And it is similar to the call he offers to each of us.
When we heard in the Gospel of the Transfiguration: “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him.” God the Father speaks to Peter, James and John as Jesus is transfigured and they become afraid. The experience is overwhelming. They have been following Jesus and getting to know Him. The development of this relationship and their understanding of who Jesus is takes another step today. He is the Father’s “beloved Son.” It will take some time for the disciples to process this statement but they will and in doing so be drawn into a further communion with the Son – and through Him, with the Father. As we travel our inward journey, we hear the Father say these words to us today. He is pointing us toward Jesus. He is inviting us to know Him through Jesus. Our relationship with Jesus can always grow and develop for He and we are alive. The Father’s instruction gives us the way to grow in this relationship. He says: “Listen to Him.”
During Lent, let us put more effort into gaining awareness of the presence of God within us as we relate to our life-giving Spirit. Let us ask God to bring to our conscience more often, the love of God as we see it reflected in ourselves, the lives of others, creation and all the events that occur each day in our lives.